Author: Marion

Quick Hello From Me


Changing Direction

It’s Been a While.. I’ve been terrible at keeping this blog up to date in recent months and for that I apologise! I sat down to type an update a few weeks ago and the words just wouldn’t come. However, now I have some news, it seems like a good time to update my blog …...

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News, Quick Hello From Me

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From The Sun and Sand to The Wet and Wind!

Saying Goodbye to Dubai… …Wasn’t that hard if I’m honest. Nope, it turns out that Dubai was not for me. You may remember my last post, from January, weighed up the good and the bad about the country. Unfortunately, as the weeks went by after posting, things continued to go south for me. When February …...

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4 Months In, where do I Begin!

Happy 2021 To You All! Firstly, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year!I’m sure we all had a rather different festive period, but I hope you managed to make the most of it. My Christmas was the most chilled out and relaxed Christmas that I’ve had in a long time. Having made …...

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Eating, Exploring and RENTING!

Yes, I have started doing all three of the above in this last month and I have drawn one conclusion from all… This is not the UK, that’s for sure! Boy, oh boy what a month October has been. Let’s play ‘Never Have I Ever’, see how many you get! Eaten a slice of cake …...

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Still Pinching Myself!

Two weeks in Dubai already, really!? Yes! On reflection, it seems the first week I spent out here in Dubai went quite slowly. As this second week seems to have accelerated by at a speed, I’ve not been ready for! I finished my last post with a statement “I am a Swimming Teacher and Assistant Venue Lead …...

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2020 The Year of Change

We are all aware that 2020 has been a year of change. A year of unexpected events that have changed the way we live our lives. For the most part, the changes we’ve seen have been challenging. Moods have been low, relationships have been strained, plans have been postponed and in some cases cancelled completely. …...

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Important, News

Before We Get Started

25th July 2020 We have a date for the reopening of swimming pools! Hurrah! As a result, I have been busy putting together a detailed risk assessment as well as drawing up a contract for swimmers/parents and guardians to sign. Alongside finalising the paperwork I am also in touch with the swimming pools to arrange …...

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Braving The Broads

Running vs Swimming, I Know What I Choose! Throughout lockdown I had started to take up running. I was up to running 3-5km every couple of days and as much as I dislike running, I did find a rhythm to keep going. That being said, with restrictions being lifted and the glorious sunshine I have …...

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#OpenOurPools Campaign

We’re Not Back Yet… So, July 4th, is not the day that we had been hoping for. The announcement made on Tuesday 23rd June by our dear Prime Minister was so disheartening for everyone in the swimming world. Swim schools, clubs, leisure centres, private pools had all expected to be back up and running by …...

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The New Normal

On Monday 15th June, Swim England released the ‘Return to Pools Guidance’. The entire document contains 5 sections: Guidance for Clubs, Guidance for Operators, Guidance for Community Swimming, Guidance for Users and Guidance for Swimming Lessons. Of course, most of the information is not of interest to many as it is...

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